News Archive 2003


28 December 2003:

Live Videos...


  • Here's a video-clip of SAILOR live in Leipzig-Mölkau, Germany, on 08 November 2003... Check out Peter, Phil, Rob and Grant playing "Give Me Shakespeare":
    filmed by Karsten Wagner ©

  • And another video-clip of SAILOR live in Leipzig-Mölkau, Germany, on 08 November 2003... Check out Peter, Phil, Rob and Grant playing "The Old Nickelodeon Sound":
    filmed by Karsten Wagner ©



13 December 2003:

- The Musical Journey...

Here are the latest news about a very interesting new project that may take place in August 2005, at the Edinburgh International Fringe Festival.
We have got the following information from Bill Blenman, who is the producer for "Dream Maker Productions", and the author of a new musical play called "SAILOR, The Musical Journey":
This musical has taken over three years to write and has been read and enhance by Georg Kajanus, who has also given two unrecorded tracks to the musical that he originally wrote for his very own SAILOR musical in the 70s.
The musical contains 21 songs mainly from the first four albums, "Sailor", "Trouble", "The Third Step", and "Checkpoint".
Dream Maker Productions is a charitable company, where all proceeds that are remaining after production expenses have been paid, gets distributed to named charitable organisations. The company does not make any profit from this show.
Bill writes: "What I would like to know is if you could put something on your website to gauge the response of how many of the SAILOR fan base would be willing to come and see the show. The reason I ask this is we are trying to forecast the possible audience to set out our request for sponsorship. If we had a estimate of the possible figures this adds weight to our request for sponsorship to the various agencies and businesses that we are going to be applying to. Also the venue we are applying for requires a business plan from us of which they want to know expected audience figures.
The musical will take place sometime in the year 2005 and as soon as that date is set, I will let you know.
If the fans of SAILOR are interested, they can become patrons of the show, what this means is that they will have their names printed on every program, they will be entitled to come back stage during the interval to meat the cast, they would be entitled to a seat of their choice. Also a signed CD of the musical. There is a cost to this of £10 sterling. But this is unique to SAILOR fans only.
Please remember as yet there is no firm date of the show, but please spread the word around, attached is the proposed cover of the program just to give you an idea."

Story Synopsis of "SAILOR - The Musical Journey":

The story is essentially a romance. We meet Robert Leon, a former sailor living near the docks of a French fishing port. Now a lonely inebriate, he spends his life reflecting on the adventures of his past and dwelling on the hopelessness of the present. The chance meeting with a young orphan boy who befriends Robert is the vehicle which allows Robert’s story to unfold. We travel back with Robert to the colourful world of his travelling Matelot days and meet Josephine, the love of his life at a brothel in Copenhagen. We learn of the destruction of the relationship when Josephine travels to East Germany and becomes trapped behind the Iron Curtain and Robert’s vain attempts to rescue her and ultimately Robert’s descent into the oblivion of shore life and alcohol. Life however still has a few surprises for Robert and it is just possible that happiness will not elude him forever……

So, come on everybody and sign our special "SAILOR - The Musical Journey" forum if you are interested in seeing the musical, if you would like to become a patron of the show or if you have any comments, questions etc... Click here:

FORUM: "Sailor - The Musical Journey"

Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,
~ The MARINERO crew



26 November 2003:

Bootlegs, CD-Rs and others...

Just a little note from the MARINERO-crew and SAILOR: Please do not buy any bootlegs or self-recorded CD-Rs of SAILOR!! More and more fake CDs appear from people at Ebay, Gemm and other sources. As Phil Pickett said in an earlier message to the fans regarding fake CDs: "It is very disturbing that the fans might be buying sub-standard illegal product recorded on inferior equipment." Well, this is true, and, although it is understandable that some people have been looking for the original recordings on CD for a long time, no one should waste his or her money for any kind of bootlegs (no matter if they are Russian LP-reproductions on CD or CDs from our "good old friend" "Bizarro" who claims to be SAILOR) or CD-Rs!!
Nearly all of SAILOR's albums have been released on CD (except for "Checkpoint" and "Dressed For Drowning"). Some of them might be hard to find, but if there's any recording that you really need and that you can't find anywhere else, the other fans can surely help too.
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,

~ The MARINERO crew



22 November 2003:
German SWR1 radio published their "listeners' charts". Those charts include the 1000 favourite songs of the SWR1 listeners. Here are the results for SAILOR:

Thanks for the information to Uli Neumann and Horst Götz!!



20 October 2003:

New Russian bootleg CDs of the first four albums: "Sailor", "Trouble", "The Third Step" and "Checkpoint"
- This time 2 albums plus one bonus track on each CD...

Once again, the first four SAILOR albums "Sailor", "Trouble", "The Third Step" and "Checkpoint" were released on CD as bootlegs.
"Sailor", "Trouble" and "The Third Step" were officially released by Sony Music in the early 90s, while "Checkpoint" was previously only available on LP and remained unreleased on CD by Sony Music.
Last year some Russian bootlegs of the four albums had already appeared in several Internet music shops. They didn't show a name of any record company on the CD and only said "LP-R © 2000", and all the songs still sounded as if they were recorded from the LPs (including all the typical LP-noises etc.).
Those CDs here seem to be just the same (even the same mistakes: The first few seconds of "Put Your Mouth Where The Money Is" are missing etc.!), but this time they have put 2 albums on each CD plus one bonus track on each one:
- "Sailor" and "The Third Step" - plus bonus song "All I Need Is A Girl",
- "Trouble" and "Checkpoint" - plus bonus song "The Runaway".
So, if you ever find those CDs: Watch out - they are bootlegs!!
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,
~The MARINERO crew

Message from regarding the new Russian bootlegs:

This is an official plea from SAILOR to tell the fans out there to AVOID AT ALL COSTS the many dodgy and sub-standard SAILOR bootleg CD´s on offer from highly nefarious and illegal Russian companies and other sources - many of which often don´t even supply the tracks they purport to represent!!
It is simply a GIANT RIP-OFF and supports criminal activity for which the band, the fans, and eventually the music and reputation of SAILOR all suffer. Please send this to as many people as you can.
We know many will "have heard all this before" - but it apparently takes forever to get all the various rights holders (record companies) to agree. However we are reliably informed that moment is coming very soon so please, BE PATIENT!
Be assured that you will hear about it first on MARINERO.
Thank you



05 October 2003:

Important announcement from HQ:

It's Autumn again folks and this year SAILOR are having a massive clear-out of their cramped storage facility to create some badly needed space! Consequently we have a few items of historical significance to SAILOR which may be of interest to those fans who would like a genuine piece of SAILOR memorabilia to have on show - in their very own homes!

Get some classic artifacts of SAILOR nostalgia...

The e-auction will close on December 31st 2003... so put your offer in now!! Check on MARINERO at the end of each week to see where the bids have reached.
Greetings from SAILOR he@dquarters,

Go to the Auction-page for further details!!



03 October 2003:

Georg Kajanus special and interview
at the "Freies Radio Kassel" in Cap K's show "Handmade" - 08 and 15 October 2003

On 08 and 15 October 2003 we are going to host a Georg Kajanus special at Cap K's show "Handmade" at the "Freies Radio Kassel". (The "Freies Radio Kassel" is available in and around Kassel, Germany. Frequencies: 105,8 MHz via antenna and  97,8 MHz via cable. Cap K's show "Handmade" is each Wednesday at 6 pm.)
The Georg Kajanus special will include songs from all his different music projects including SAILOR, Eclection, Kajanus Pickett, DATA, Noir etc. - as well as a very interesting 40 minutes telephone-interview with Georg in which he answers questions and talks about his past and present projects.

Click here to listen to a short intro (10 seconds) from GK: Intro_FRK.mp3
(You need an mp3 player - e.g. Windows Media Player or Real Player - to listen to the intro!)

Interested in a copy of the show on CD? e-mail us!



02 October 2003:

's "Tring Thing"

Next March, following on from the Wycombe SAILOR Spectacular in 2002, SAILOR are performing their very own show, (with exciting "new bits!") at the Tring Theatre (Hertfordshire - just outside London, UK)..... It'll be a fantastic night to remember and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Watch MARINERO or e-mail for more precise details later this month.
AND... tell all your friends!!
Best wishes,



01 October 2003:
in Austria...
...and what they discovered in Salzburg, where one concert had been cancelled!

As you know, SAILOR were in Austria last week, but one of their two concerts - the Oldie Night in Salzburg on 27 September - had to be cancelled. Now here's a nice little story (and picture) about that for the fans which we got from Grant (or just try to find the big mistake in the picture on the right...!):

"As you can imagine, the band was very disappointed when our concert in Salzburg on Sept 27th was cancelled two days before it was due to take place. This was all the more painful as our reception for the Linz concert the night before was ecstatic.
However, being the philosophical chaps that we are, we were quite happy to spend our time off looking round the wonderful city of Salzburg on Saturday evening, while we waited for our flight home, which didn't leave until 9.15 pm.
Our attention was drawn to the posters for Saturday's concert, which were all over the city. I attach a photo that I took of one of them and, as you can see, the posters were not really likely to encourage SAILOR fans to attend.
It appears that the local promoter had no idea who he was booking.
Best wishes to all the fans

Very interesting indeed, isn't it?!
Best wishes to all the "Slayer-fans" ;-)

~ The MARINERO crew



30 September 2003:
Book on the history of ...

SAILOR fans will be interested to know that a book on the history of SAILOR is nearing completion.
Written by James McCarraher with the help and co-operation of Georg, Phil, Henry, Grant, Peter, Rob, Gavin and Virginia as well as a supporting cast of celebrities, it should be due for release in 2004.
Watch the MARINERO website for further details...!!
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,

~ The MARINERO crew
& James McCarraher



20 September 2003:
DVD review in "Good Times"

The German music magazine "Good Times" has reviewed the SAILOR DVD "Pirate Copy - Live In Concert" in its latest issue. Here's what the text says:
"For nearly thirty years hardly anything has changed in SAILOR (except for the line-up): The Nickelodeon was updated technically and with synthesizers, but it still fascinates with its fairground-sound. The songs have always sounded as if they were from the 1920s, and at the same time dust-free ("Girls Girls Girls", "One Drink Too Many", "Jacaranda", "The Old Nickelodeon Sound"). The stage is still lightened by an intimate sailor-pub-illumination and a streetlamp. And the original members Phil Pickett (nick), Grant Serpell (dr) and "the new guys" Rob Alderton (nick) and Peter Lincoln (voc, gtr) are still faithful to their outfits.
In spite of all the show and the closeness to the English Cabaret, SAILOR, whose respective members have kept the fun of playing, are a convincing band, especially because of their music and vocals. "Pirate Copy" is therefore not only advisable for fans. As a bonus there are three "unplugged"-tracks, a detailed band-history and interviews.
(Angel Air / Fenn, 150 Min.)"

Click here for further information about the DVD!!

Sailor 2003 - Rob, Grant, Peter and Phil present the DVD... ;-)



10 September 2003:
German RTL television recently broadcast a show named "Die Ultimative Chart-Show" in which they showed the 1000 best-selling singles and albums in Germany during the last 35 years. Here are the results for SAILOR:

# 174 - Girls Girls Girls - 1976
# 391 - A Glass Of Chapmagne - 1976

# 238 - Trouble - 1976



Update 01 September 2003:

"Buried Treasure"
SAILOR's new anthology CD boxed set

"Buried Treasure" - SAILOR's new anthology CD boxed set of greatest hits, private scrapbook, and latest recordings from the present line up of Grant, Phil, Peter and Rob plus some extremely precious archive material from the original line up of Phil, Georg, Henry and Grant, never before heard! It will also include recordings from the Caribou "Dressed For Drowning" period as well as more recent re-mixes and fascinating experimental tracks!

You can now contact SAILOR at their new mailing address direct for all kinds of up to date information on "Buried Treasure". Be the first to be informed of when and where to get this priceless treaure-trove of previously unreleased and historic SAILOR material, plus lots of information on other available recordings and special merchandise from your favourite band!
We will be informing everyone at the SailorClub mailing list and also here at Marinero, so you will be the first to hear of the release date, cost and how to be the one of the first to own the "once in a lifetime" SAILOR anthology "Buried Treasure".
Phil, Peter, Grant, Rob - July 2001

Update from SAILOR, 13 May 2002: "Buried Treasure" will soon be released on Angel Air Records!!

Update 01 September 2003: Angel Air has already announced "Buried Treasure" on the news section of their website. There it says: "Early 2004 - SJPCD154 SAILOR 'Buried Treasure' never before released tracks spanning a 30 year period"...



01 September 2003:

Interview with Georg Kajanus about Eclection in "Eight Miles High -
Folk-Rock's Flight from Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock" (Backbeat Books, 2003)

The interview with Georg Kajanus about Eclection - his former band in the late 60s - was conducted by eMail for Richie Unterberger's book "Eight Miles High: Folk-Rock's Flight from Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock". The complete transript of this interview was kindly offered to us by Mr. Unterberger himself.
"Question: How was it that the group formed, particularly one which had such varied background and nationalities? Georg: 'Bangers', a well-known English-German sausage restaurant on the corner of Moscow Road and Queensway in London's Bayswater district, was the birthplace of Eclection. I was doing table-to-table entertaining with my huge Gibson B45 12-string, singing Gordon Lightfoot songs, amongst other selections. One of the customers one night was Canadian Michael Rosen who immediately sensed some North American connection between us. (At the time, Lightfoot was pretty unknown in Europe.) Michael was cruising Europe, much as I was doing, and had ended up in England to partake in the "fab" London music scene. We fantasized about forming a band that very night with great enthusiasm. We both lived in the area and had several subsequent musical encounters..."
More at the
Related Recordings... or at the personal page of Georg Kajanus.

Special thanks to Richie Unterberger and to Gary Diamond!!



17 August 2003:

Successful concerts in Belgium and Holland...

SAILOR have just returned from their mini-tour of Belgium and Holland which included concerts in
Hechtel (B), Bilzen (B) and Valkenswaard (NL). The concerts were a huge success - especially the famous Bilzen Festival, where they played with Suzi Quatro, The Troggs etc., and got the best reviews and a photo in the national newspaper of Belgium.
(Is anyone able to get hold of this article, by the way?? ;-) )
Playing in Holland again was a rare treat for SAILOR. At the gig in Valkenswaard, where they were top bill to Haddaway and George McCray etc., they told the crowd when they did "Traffic Jam" how special it was to be back in Holland playing where they had their first hit.
Now SAILOR are looking forward to seeing everyone next week... back in Holland.
See you all in Egmond aan Zee, Holland, on 23 August 2003 (where SAILOR
will do a longer show than at their usual 'Oldie Night' perfromances!)
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,
~The MARINERO crew




01 July 2003:

Homepage now available in two languages...


From 01 July 2003 this website is available in two languages: English and German. You can change the laguage by clicking on the flags in the menu on the left side.
Some information to the new German part of MARINERO:
Most parts of the website have been published in German alreday, except for some parts of the Related Recordings and the Fans-section. That will follow soon. But as long as it is not ready the links still lead you to the English parts.
~The MARINERO crew



New CD "A Glass Of Champagne"...
Re-release of "Live In Berlin"

CD "A Glass Of Champagne" 2003A company named "Brilliant" has re-released the "Live In Berlin" album under the new name "A Glass Of Champagne" and with a new layout in June 2003.
So, this isn't a "new" CD because it is just another re-release of "Live In Berlin" from the older versions by Red Light Records in 1998 and Angel Air in 2002. But it's still another interesting item for your SAILOR collection.

All songs were recorded by the line-up: Peter Lincoln, Henry Marsh, Grant Serpell and Phil Pickett (although the cover photo shows the current line-up).

The CD inlcudes the same songs as the "Live In Berlin" album:
A Glass Of Champagne, La Cumbia, Give Me Shakespeare, One Drink Too Many, Blame It On The Soft Spot, The Old Nickelodeon Sound, Mack The Knife, The Secretary, Stay The Night, Traffic Jam, Panama, Vera From Veracruz, La Bamba Medley, Girls Girls Girls, Pop Muzik - Ghostbusters Medley, Champagne Reprise

This is what it says on the back of the CD:
Brilliant BT 33094, 2003 Digimode Entertainment Ltd. UK, Licensed from ABC Entertainment
Cover design: Elian, graphic design, Emst NL
Made in Germany

Thanks for the scans and information to Norbert Lorenz, Hamburg, Germany!!

Go to the Albums-section for further details!!



...And here's yet another new greatest hits CD

CD "Girls Girls Girls - The Very Best Of Sailor" 200?Well, we don't quite know what this is all about, because this CD is suddenly shown on the website of Sony Music. It shows the same catalogue-number as the 1990 CD with the same title.
So actually this isn't really "new" at all because three (!) other greatest hits albums have already been released by Sony Music in 1990 and 2001 and Delta Music in 2002 including the same songs.
But it's still a very interesting collector's item...

All songs were recorded by the original line-up: Georg Kajanus, Henry Marsh, Grant Serpell and Phil Pickett.

The CD inlcudes the songs:
A Glass Of Champagne, Sailor, Romance, One Drink Too Many, The Old Nickelodeon Sound, The Runaway, Traffic Jam, Cool Breeze, All I Need Is A Girl, Stiletto Heels, Put Your Mouth Where The Money Is, Josephine Baker, Girls Girls Girls, Let's Go To Town, Sailor's Night On The Town, Trouble In Hong Kong

Go to the Albums-section for further details!!



DVD "Pirate Copy - Sailor Live In Concert"
recorded 16 November 2002 in High Wycombe (UK)

SAILOR DVD 2003SAILOR's very special concert at the Swan Theatre (Town Hall) in High Wycombe, UK on 16 November 2002 - their first "headline" show in the UK for over 25 years - was filmed for an official release on DVD. The DVD is called "Pirate Copy - Sailor Live In Concert" and is now available on Angel Air Records.

You can order the DVD (NJPDVD609 - DVD9 Region 0 PAL) by sending 30 Euros for post and packaging to:
Sailor Ltd (DVD)
Suite 430
266 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7DL
(if you wish you can get a copy signed by all the members of SAILOR).

Or get it at ...

The DVD includes all songs from this marvellous concert and bonus material.
Here's the tracklist:

  • A Glass Of Champagne
  • One Drink Too Many
  • Blame It On The Soft Spot
  • Sailor
  • Mack The Knife
  • Josephine Baker
  • Vera From Veracruz
  • Jacaranda
  • Traffic Jam
  • Karma Chameleon
  • Panama
  • SAILOR live in High Wycombe 16/11/2002The Secretary
  • Girls Girls Girls
  • La Cumbia
  • The Frozen Man
  • Give Me Shakespeare
  • The Old Nickelodeon Sound
  • A Glass Of Champagne (Reprise)
  • 1812 / Grant's Moment
  • The Full Monty (In The Navy / Hot Stuff)
  • Girls Girls Girls (Reprise)
  • Latin Medley (La Bamba / Volare / Bamboleyo)


  • Band documentary with in depth interviews with all band members
  • History of SAILOR
  • Three bonus tracks recorded "unplugged":
    A Glass Of Champagne
    SAILOR live in High Wycombe 16/11/2002
    Girls Girls Girls
    Karma Chameleon

This is what Angel Air writes about SAILOR and the DVD:

SAILOR was signed to Epic records (part of CBS) during 1974 and they quickly experienced chart success in Holland with "Traffic Jam". In the UK "Glass Of Champagne" made no 2 in the charts during 1975 with "Girls, Girls, Girls" making Top 10 in the UK during 1976 and further single chart success during 1977 with "One Drink Too Many".
Singles success was a very small part of what SAILOR were about as they also had hit albums such as "Trouble" coupled with their live reputation but by 1980's release of the album "Dressed For Drowning" the band called it a day. PHIL PICKETT then joined CULTURE CLUB and co writing one of the biggest and most popular hit's of the 80's "Kama Chameleon". The SAILOR story did not bite the dust there as in 1989 BMG Records in Germany approached the band to record some new tracks which became sizeable hits all over Europe: "The Secretary", "La Cumbia". A new album "Street Lamp" was also recorded.
In 1993 the band reformed for touring and at the huge Waldbuhne Stadium in Berlin they played to over 25,000 fans. This was quickly followed in 1994 with a "Greatest SAILOR live in High Wycombe 16/11/2002
Hits" release from Epic Records.
Now in the 21st Century and their 4th illustrious decade, SAILOR still surprise, entertain and enthral audiences with their incomparable style of powerful music and theatrical entertainment recorded at The Swan Theatre, High Wycombe, UK during November 2002 to a sell out audience.

And this is what the fans and newspapers say about the DVD (Just a few examples):

  • "Absolutely marvellous in fact! Go and get it as soon as you can because you won't believe it until you can watch it on your screen at home. Peter, Grant, Rob and Phil at their very best, not only with their usual songs but also with some great surprises for everybody..."
  • "You can watch the whole concert in a perfect video and sound quality, not a single song they performed in High Wycombe is missing. You can see Peter Lincoln, the gifted musician at the guitar and perfect singer, Phil Pickett at the bass side of the Nickelodeon, absolutely perfect and very entertaining, at the drum, with the right feeling for rhythm, drums and percussion, the man who doesn't seem to become older, Grant Serpell and at the treble side of the Nickelodeon, the youngster of the SAILOR-crew, Rob Alderton. He's a real musical genius, improved the Nickelodeon by adding a third keyboard to bring back the original sound of the first Nickelodeon, absolutely perfect. It fantastic how the four guys interact with their audience and to see how much fun they have in performing live. And finally and not to forget, the man without SAILOR would not be able to perform live, the constructor of the new Nickelodeon, Graham Naylor. All these members are interviewed on the DVD in addition to the interview with Katrin and Karsten Wagner. The SAILOR history and some unplugged tracks make this DVD complete. Your SAILOR collection is not complete without this. Buy this, even you don't have a DVD-Player at the moment, you'll be sorry if you don't... Uli Neumann"
  • "I must say it's brilliant, marvellous, fucking out of this world! ... Please post this wherever to let people know how great the DVD is."
  • "Angel Air managed it in a wonderful way to capture this wonderful concert in a perfect picture- and sound-quality."
  • "Great picture, great sound and the music of this live recording: terrific. They are real musicians - although only! half of the original line-up. I hope they will have success with this DVD - they deserve it!"

Click here for further information about the DVD!!



Grant, Rob and Graham ("Naylorman") signed the MARINERO-guestbook on the way to the concert in Hamburg on 30 April 2003 while waiting at the airport with a special greeting to all SAILOR fans. And they managed to get entry number 200!! Here's what they wrote:

Entry number 200:
Name: Grant, Rob & Naylorman
Comments: Hi everyone! Just using up a few minutes before getting on flight to Hamburg for show (30/04/03) so thought we'd send special greeting to all the Sailor fans
Date: 2003-04-30



New Affinity CD: 1971-72

New Affinity CD: 1971-72In August 2003 another new Affinity CD simply named "1971-72" will be released on Angel Air Records. At that time the line-up of Affinity had changed to: Grant Serpell: drums / Mo Foster: bass / Mike Jopp: guitars / Vivienne McAuliffe: vocals / Dave Watts: Keyboards.

The Affinity CD "1971-72" includes the songs: Moira's Hand, Grey Skies, Cream On Your Face, Sunshower, All Along The Watchtower / It’s About That Time, Rio, Poor Man’s Son, Sarah's Wardrobe, Highgate.

Here's what Angel Air writes about the CD:
At the end of January 1971, lead vocalist Linda Hoyle and Hammond organist Lynton Naiff, having both given a month’s notice, quit Affinity - the band they had been with for two and a half years - to go their separate ways. It was an amicable split.

The remaining members of the band - bass-player Mo Foster, guitarist Mike Jopp, and drummer Grant Serpell - each began to embrace new projects. However they missed the fun of a small cohesive team and, after some discussion, made the decision to keep the name Affinity and to try to continue as a performing and recording entity. It was not an easy task since finding replacements for Linda and Lynton - both of whom were superb musicians - was necessarily a challenge.
Affinity had first met Vivienne McAuliffe at Exeter University while playing one of their last gigs with the original line-up. She had been lead vocalist with the college band, Principal Edwards Magic Theatre.
Back in London the band held a set of tortuous auditions but it soon became clear that Vivienne - with her crystal-clear voice and out-going personality - was the only possible choice to replace Linda. She became one of the lads.
At about this time ex-Tornados keyboard-player Dave Watts answered an advert in Melody Maker and brought with him not only his own Hammond Organ but also an impish sense of humour. Within minutes he slotted in to the band banter and, as soon as he played, the guys knew he was the right man.
There was soon had enough material for a whole new set and UK college gigs and club dates soon followed. Frustratingly, a studio album of the new material at that time never happened. But this album - the album that never was - is an attempt to fill that void and is compiled from a set of studio demos and full band rehearsals. Enjoy!
Click here for further information:

Go to the Related Recordings-section for further information about Affinity!!



Kassel headline concert on 18 May 2003 is cancelled!!

Ahoy everybody,
the SAILOR headline concert on 18 May 2003 in Kassel is cancelled!!
The reason for this is that the promoter from Runway Music who was to do the show, is broke and can't host any more shows in the future. Those information only became public a few days ago. We have tried to look for another promoter of the show and SAILOR (Phil, Grant, Rob, Peter and also "Naylorman" - special thanks here by the way) did all their best to make it possible in spite of all this trouble. We - the Marinero-crew - had already started to raise some money as a sponsorship for the concert and had agreed to invest into the show ourselves. But in the end it could only have worked if we - Karsten and Katrin - had agreed to host the show completely on our own which just wasn't possible and which had meant a huge loss of money for both of us and everybody else involved.
There had been posters, radio promotion and big newspaper articles about the show in the whole town recently.
Neither SAILOR nor anyone of us is responsible for this, and we are very sorry for all of you who were really looking forward to this special event and especially for those fans who wanted to travel such a long way just to see it!
It would have been a dream come true...
Further information to follow.
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,
~The MARINERO crew

A message from Phil, Grant, Peter and Rob about the cancellation of the keenly awaited Special SAILOR Show in Kassel, May 18th 2003.

Dear Katrin and Karsten, Marinero and all the fans,
After all the amazing amount of inspiration, effort and sheer hard work in trying to arrange a special SAILOR 2 hour Concert in your home town we are all incredibly sad that after all, we will now not be able to perform.
Everyone in the band realise you have done everything in your powers to make it happen, even including underwriting some of the costs yourself. But with "Runway Music" - the promoters of the concert being true to their name by running away and disappearing into the night in spite of having sold at least 200 tickets, in a situation like this - and also where the theatre does not wish to co-operate - there is unfortunately nothing anyone can do under the circumstances.
We hope that you are not too sad and would like to offer enormous thanks for your efforts in any event, and hope that eventually we can come to Kassel - perhaps next year.
In the meantime if any fans can get up to Bad Segeberg on the 16th May we will have copies of the brand new DVD - "Pirate Copy" SAILOR's Live In Concert DVD recorded at High Wycombe.
If this is not possible, please send 30 Euros to include post and packaging to : SAILOR Ltd (DVD) Suite 430, 266 Banbury Road, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7DL UK, and we will by return, send you a copy signed (if you wish!) by all the members of SAILOR.
Sorry once again this has happened and for any inconvenience caused to the fans. We sincerely thank everyone for supporting SAILOR over the years and look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Love and Best Wishes from SAILOR

SAILOR at the MT cancelled
Concert on the 18th of May had to be cancelled, a new date is still unsure
Taken from the HNA newspaper issue 13/05/2003

The North-hessian "Girls, Girls, Girls" - and of course also the local boys - will have to drink their "Glass Of Champagne" without the stars. The concert of the band SAILOR which was planned for Sunday, the 18th of May, can't happen.
The cancellation without a substitute-date was announced by Karsten Wagner, leader of the promotion-crew of SAILOR. He and the band are very sad, Wagner explains, especially because tickets had been reserved by fans from all over Germany as well as from other countries like England, Belgium and Holland. The concert agency Runway Music from Kassel won't do any more shows from now on, so that the promotion team and the band had both been looking for another possibility to find another promoter. But this didn't work.
As a little consolation for all SAILOR-fans the Free Radio Kassel (105,8 MHz / 97,8 MHz cabel) will broadcast a three-hour SAILOR special tomorrow, on Wednesday from 11 pm.

Runway cancels concerts
Kassel-promoter close to the end - business-partners wait for money
Taken from the HNA newspaper issue 14/05/2003

Kassel. "Even fans from England wanted to come. Some of them had already booked their hotelrooms", Karsten Wagner, leader of the SAILOR-fanclub in Kassel says disappointedly. Wagner had planned the performance of the British pop-legend SAILOR ("Girls Girls Girls") together with the promoter Runway-Music from Kassel for Sunday the 18th of May at the Nachthallen. But it can't happen. Wagners said that he hasn't heard anything from Runway-head Torsten Scheffler for a few weeks. The dedicated fanclub leader is not alone in this case. According to the information of the HNA several business-partners of the young concert agency are not only waiting for a quick answer, but also for their money.
"I was ill for four weeks", Torsten Scheffler explained yesterday when asked by the HNA. From next week on he wants to start to put the company back to its feet. The Runway-head declines the reproaches about being insolvent. Some things have just been left undone during the last weeks.
Joachim Batke from the Nachthallen is perplex. He had planned other shows with Scheffler for May along with SAILOR. "Last Monday Runway informed us that they were not able to do any of the shows", he says. Batke didn't want to disappoint the fans of Adaro and Tanzwut and was afraid because of the image of his company, so that he decided to host the concerts himself, but the performance of SAILOR had to be cancelled because of a high financial risk. "The tickets can be returned at all ticket-shops, the costs will be returned", Batke says. "But it is a sad for the fans."
Batke is angry about the business-behaviour of Runway. He paid money from his own pocket in order to do the concert of Adaro last Sunday. And Runway is also in the bad books of Knut Seidel, leader of the "City-Hall" in Kassel. Concert-cancellations happened all the time. The costs for the cancellactions have not been not paid by Scheffler yet, Seidel said. "We will stop our business-contacts with him".
Also Michael Stein, leader of the "City-Hall" in Osterode has had similar experiences. (...) And Joachim Batke sums it up like this: "Those guys at Runway have tried to move a much too big wheel."



Live In Concert - Kassel, Germany
18 May 2003

Now that SAILOR's back in town...

Ahoy everybody,
we are proud to announce that SAILOR will perform another headline "In Concert" show right here in the hometown of the MARINERO crew, Kassel, in the middle of Germany on Sunday, 18 May 2003.
SAILOR don't normally get the chance to play some of their more classic repertoire when they come to Germany, so this will be a genuine SAILOR-party for the real SAILOR fans, at which they will perform for nearly 2 hours!
Also they will be bringing copies of the DVD that was recorded live in High Wycombe (UK) in November 2002 for sale at the Kassel-show, which will be cheaper and less hassle for the fans to buy there, get them signed etc.
We hope to see many of you guys here in Kassel at the 'Musiktheater' to enjoy yet another marvellous SAILOR-party - just like some weeks ago in High Wycombe (UK)!
Seven years ago, in November 1994, the original SAILOR line-up performed in our hometown Kassel two times in one week. Now SAILOR are finally back in town, and it's time for a special headline show...
Ticket hotline in Germany is: 06102-77665, and tickets will go on sale right after Christmas 2002. They are also available at many online ticket shops.

There are also several things to be celebrated:

  • the 12th anniversary of SAILOR's great comeback performance in Bad Segeberg (Germany) at the RSH Oldie Night on 18 May 1991,
  • the 2nd anniversary of Rob Alderton's first show with SAILOR in Rotenburg an der Fulda (Germany) on 18 May 2001,
  • and of course the DVD release of SAILOR's High Wycombe concert at "Angel Air" which is planned for May 2003.

Don't miss the greatest 'SAILOR's night on the town' in 2003...!

Date and Location:
18th May 2003, at 9 pm, at the
Musiktheater, Kassel (in the middle of Germany)

Keep on checking MARINERO for further details soon!
Best wishes and SAILOR-greetings,
~The MARINERO crew



Bootleg CDs of the first four albums: "Sailor", "Trouble", "The Third Step" and "Checkpoint"...
"Do not buy!"

This is really strange: The first four SAILOR albums: "Sailor", "Trouble", "The Third Step" and "Checkpoint" were released on CD as bootlegs.
"Sailor", "Trouble" and "The Third Step" were officially released by Sony Music in the early 90s, while "Checkpoint" was previously only available on LP and remained unreleased on CD by Sony Music.

Suddenly those fake versions appeared on the Internet. They come from Russia.
Bootlegs? Well, first of all the CDs don't show any name of a record company on the CD. They only say "LP-R © 2000".
This leads us to the next question: Why do the songs still sound as if they were recorded from an LP? You can hear all the typical LP-noises etc., so it is no master copy - only an LP reproduction.
On the "Checkpoint bootleg there are even some mistakes: The beginning of "Put Your Mouth Where The Money Is" is missing (the part where SAILOR talk and count from 1 to 4 before the song starts), and there is a noise in the middle of "My Girl (She Knows What To Do)" which sounds as if somebody hit the record player by mistake during the recording. ;-)
We will probably never know, but please: Don't buy any SAILOR CDs that show this "LP-R © 2000" or simply "LP-R" sign (see pictures above)!!

SAILOR say: "Please don't buy any of those bootlegs!"
Further information came from Phil Pickett at the SAILOR he@dquaters on 06 February 2003:
Phil says that
it is very disturbing that the fans might be buying sub-standard illegal product recorded on inferior equipment. SAILOR ask the fans not to buy these CD's and have a little patience as they will shortly all be available - everything! - on top quality mastered CD's from the producer's own mastered copies- in some cases, much better than the originals. SAILOR will let everyone know when the negotitaion is complete - It takes a long time but will be worth it in the end!
Phil has also sent a letter to the company that offers the bootleg CDs which you can see below.

Phil's letter to the company that offers the bootleg CDs:
You are selling and distributing product from SAILOR illegally and we request you stop doing so forthwith.
We have proof from fans that have ordered and paid for material that amongst others, you do not have the rights to sell. The consequences for these actions are very serious.
The copyright of the material in question resides with Sony Music and I have today copied this e-mail to their legal department.
Phil Pickett
(Director and founder member of Sailor)
Sailor Ltd"

Now that we know that those CDs are definitely illegal and not licensed by Sony Music in any way and also that SAILOR don't receive any royalties nobody should buy those recordings.
A bootleg warning has also been added to the "
Watch Out For Fake SAILOR albums!"-part of MARINERO!!
~The MARINERO crew


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